
When a Star Fruit Is Ripe

Also known as carambola, star fruit is named for its shape. If the cross-sectional slices, the slices look like a five star hotel. Collect research in the garage or in your garden, looking for signs that the degree of ripeness of the fruit texture and flavor that projected. Always serve this exotic fruit, the water content of the first fruit of the causes of collapse during cooking.

Insert the large fruit with bright green skin and firm. Eating cheese in this state, if you have a fresh fish, such as, prefer the texture and acidity.

Leave the fruit on the table for a day or two of aging skin yellow and brown tips of the ribs. Turn every 12 hours during the ripening of fruits. Prepare the sweet taste of ripe fruit with grape-like structure.

Carambola with the launch of wrinkled skin, soft edges, or wilted.

Store ripe fruit on the counter of a star or three days to put in a plastic bag, a refrigerator for up to one week. Wash only when ready.

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