
Star Fruit Nutritional Value

The carambola or star fruit is unique in the tropical regions of the world has grown. Indonesia and India, its popularity has led to distribution throughout the world. It is also known as an excellent fruit with high nutritional value.

Low Fat
A typical star fruit - 8.4 inches long - no more than 33 calories and 0.4 grams of fat. This, together with its sweet and sour taste makes it a popular addition to refrigerators in the diet. "

Digestive Health
Every star fruit edible, even the skin. In fact, the skin is rich in tannins, which supports the process of regulating the gut and has been an effective treatment for diarrhea. The interior of the fruit is rich in fiber, which also helps regulate the digestive system.

Vitamin C
Carambola is a good source of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant that the body fight colds and infections help. It is also thought to help the body against cancer and heart disease to increase.

The carambola is rich in calcium, which is important for maintaining healthy bones. It is also important for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Potassium is an essential part of muscle development and health. Carambola potassium may help prevent muscle cramps and muscle tissue improves circulation large.

Vitamin A
Carambola is also rich in vitamin A, which has shown some positive effects on the body. Besides helping to boost the immune system also helps prevent heart disease.


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    Posted by شركة عوازل فوم to 18thC Cuisine at 4:14 PM
