All About Star Fruit & How to Prepare it!
Choosing a Ripe Star Fruit.
Step 1: How to Choose a Ripe (or ripening) Star Fruit. When ripe, star fruit are mainly bright yellow with tinges of light green. They may have some dark brown along the five ridges - this is normal. The flesh should still be quite firm to the touch.
You can also buy star fruit when it's green and wait for it to ripen - just leave it on your counter (in its plastic wrapping) for a few days. When over-ripe, star fruit turns entirely yellow and starts to have brown spots all over.
Start Fruit Facts: Star Fruit is a juicy tropical fruit grown in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia, Australia, South America, but also in Hawaii and Florida, so they're an easy fruit to find at your local grocery store or market. Star Fruit are a good choice during the winter months, when they're readily available. And because they're a good source of Vitamin C, star fruit can help ward off winter colds and flus.
With only 30 calories per fruit plus lots of fiber, star fruit is a great choice for anyone trying to lose weight. They're also very healthy - full of antioxidants and flavonoids.
Nice to eat fresh, but also delicious cooked or juiced, star fruit are truly one of nature's starry-eyed wonders! (For star fruit recipes, see adjoining links).
Cut Off the Dark Tip Along Each Ridge.
Rinse the star fruit, or lightly wash it with a vegetable wash.
Hold the star fruit vertically over a cutting board or counter-top. Using a sharp knife, cut very shallowly down along each of the five ridges (or "star points"), removing and discarding the brown outer edge.
Cut Off the Stem End of the Star Fruit.
Turn the star fruit on its side. You will see that one end of the fruit comes to a peak, while the other end is flatter with a dark spot (where the stem was attached). Cut off this end piece and discard.
Slice the Star Fruit.
Now your star fruit is ready to be sliced. Like an apple, you can cut thin or thick slices - it's up to you. Either way, you'll love the beauty of cutting this marvelous work of nature.
If you're cooking with the star fruit, check your recipe for cutting thickness instructions.
Remove the Seeds.
Using the tip of your knife, remove and discard any seeds you find (Star fruit seeds are similar to apple seeds, but can be slightly larger and flatter).
Enjoy Your Star Fruit!
Your star fruit is now ready to be eaten fresh, or added to salads or desserts. Star fruit is also excellent juiced (it's especially good when combined with pear juice).
For star fruit recipes, check the recipe links adjoining this article. ENJOY!!
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